Piece moves
1. Pawn (♙, ♟): Pawns move straight ahead but capture diagonally. In the beginning, a pawn can move either one or two squares forward. After that, it can only move one square at a time. And if it reaches the opposite side, you can promote it to a queen, rook, knight, or bishop. It's up to you to decide what's the best for you!

2. Rook (♖, ♜): Rooks move horizontally or vertically and can move as many squares as you wish in these directions, as long as there are no obstacles.

3. Knight (♘, ♞): Knights move in an «L» shape. First, they move two squares in one direction (horizontal or vertical), then one square perpendicular to it. Knights are the only pieces that can «jump» over other pieces.

4. Bishop (♗, ♝): Bishops move diagonally on the board, and they can move any number of squares along their diagonal path, provided there are no other pieces in their way.

5. Queen (♕, ♛): The queen combines the movements of the rook and the bishop. She can move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally any number of squares.

6. King (♔, ♚): The king can move one square in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The game ends when a king is in checkmate (under attack and unable to escape capture).

As you can see, each piece has its own moves, and it's essential to use them strategically to gain an advantage over your opponent.